

◡̎ Allow your candle to burn until the full surface has melted - this ensures that your candle reaches a full melt pool + burns evenly for its full life.
PRO TIP: Read how to fix a tunneled candle here!
If you extinguis your candle before a full melt pool is formed, your candle will tunnel. This greatly reduces the lifespan of your candle + is not Homebody Candle Co.'s responsibility to replace/refund in the case of a purchaser tunneling.
◡̎ Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time.
◡̎ "Mushrooming" on the wick is common! Don't worry! It's the result of carbon build up on the wick. Just means that the wick is consuming more wax than it can burn off. Totally fixable! Just extinguish the candle, let it cool, trim off the mushroom + relight! 
◡̎ All candle wicks should be trimmed to 1/4" before relighting - every time. Trimming your candle wick each time before relighting is imperative to a proper burning candle. It doesn't matter what you use to trim the wick (nail clippers, regular scissors or a wick trimmer), it just matters that you trim it!
◡̎ Keep an eye out. Place your candle within eyesight + away from any flammable items.


◡̎ Don't forget to flip your reeds occasionally! That's where the scent comes from :)
◡̎ Be mindful of the surface you place your diffuser on or near + keep an eye out for drips!
◡̎ Homebody Candle Co is not responsible for surface damage due to misuse.


◡̎ Keep out of direct sunlight -- the oils + butters can melt if placed in direct heat.
◡̎ If your body bar or lip balm melts, you can place it in your refrigerator to solidify back up!
◡̎ Discontinue use if you notice any personal adverse reactions.


◡̎ Keep out of direct sunlight - this creates a sun-fading process with the clays + powders used to color our soaps.
◡̎ Gotta little turmeric stain on something? Try setting it out in the sun! The sun's rays will help fade the coloring :) 


◡̎ Give these a little shake before using to combine.
◡̎ Color changes are natural + expected! They just develop overtime, it's nothing to worry about!
◡̎ Some fragrance notes will create a milky / tan-ish color tint when combining with the room spray base over time. No worries!! They all work exactly the same :)